What do I get with my entry?

  • ALL finishers will receive a righteous MEDAL and 2 delicious Mornington Peninsula LAGERS!
  • A truly spectacular course around the summit of Arthurs Seat overlooking the stunning Mornington Peninsula
  • A fully marked and signposted course
  • Aid stations, medical and emergency support
  • Professional Timing chip and results
  • Eligibility to receive spot prizes

Am I likely to get lost?

The trail will be well marked, and road / course marshals will provide direction along the way.  Follow the markings and guidance, and you will follow the path of righteousness towards the amber nectar of the gods (aka BEER).

What if I’ve never done a trail run before… Will I be able to complete this event?

The 10km course is nice introduction to trail running.  Nothing too scary on that course, but still some great trail, amazing views and a bunch of silliness.  If you are thinking of tackling the 21km course, we recommend you have at least tried some trail running, done some training on hills and are at least mildly confident about running 21kms.

What do I do with my rubbish while on course?

CARRY IT WITH YOU.  There will be bins available at each aid station and the Start / Finish area.  The trails are sacred.  Do NOT even contemplate dropping your rubbish / gel wrappers, etc.  Any runner caught littering will be automatically disqualified and will be removed from the race register, and prevented from entering any future events.  The trail is our Church. Don’t mess with our Church.

Will I need to bring my own water bottle / hydration vest / drinking device or other equipment?

YES.  You must carry a hydration device (eg. water bottle, hand-held, fuel belt, hydration vest / pack).  Water will be available to refill your device at all aid stations.  NO cups will be available due to the environmental impact, and the potential for litter.

We STRONGLY advise that you carry a mobile phone and a compression bandage in the event of injury or snake bite.

How many Aid stations / Water points are on course?

Water and First Aid will be available at the Start / Finish line and on course, but like all good trail running events it is recommended you plan to support yourself and bring what you need on you.  It is a COMPULSORY requirement that you carry a water bottle / carrying device which you can refill at aid stations.

10km COURSE – 1 aid station at 5km
21km COURSE – 3 aid stations @ 5km, 10km and 13.5km

Again, to emphasize the point above, it is COMPULSORY that you carry a water bottle, or hydration fuel belt / back pack to keep yourself sufficiently hydrated.  As the courses are within a state park, we will NOT be providing cups.  Aid station volunteers will assist in refilling any water carrying devices.